Perfect example of how kids don't judge the bearded wonder.....
Adam and I were talking about this the other day....about how kids al love him, but adults think otherwise when they see a dark haired, tanned skin, bearded man talking or playing with kids. The other day in the store Adam was waiting for me and these two boys starting talking to Adam about the Old Navy doy and how it talks. The parents on the otherhand just gave Adam a weird look and moved their kids along. This has happened more than once it just a "man' phobia or a beard man sterotype or does Adam look creepy to them? what is it?? Adam has a heart of gold, but people don't give him a chance, it's sad. He is so wonderful with children and they sense his kindness, but adults don't. Our society has ruined any chance of pure hearted men just talking with kids without someone thinking " oh he's a molester" Sad, sad, sad :(