Monday, December 10, 2007

looooong time, no post...

lots of new happens have been going on. work, school, adoption, winter gatherings. too much to list right now, but just wanted say that we are doing fine and have been on a new adventure. if you haven't caught up with our journey check out

here's some pics from our family in these lazy winter evenings; ones that make you want to cuddle under a warm blanket with a couple of dogs to snuggle with.

Monday, November 5, 2007

it just isn't as good...

it just isn't as good to blog without some sort of photo to add with it. Don' know when we will get another camera, kinda not a priority right now(money is tight and being saved for other needs).
Busy, busy week..parent-teacher conferences, report cards, evaluations, class work to do...busy, busy not enough hours in the day.......*yawn* time for bed......

Monday, October 29, 2007

so sad....:(

so sad....*cry*cry* I(well not I, but one of my students) broke our camera. we haven't even had it a year and it's a goner:( I haven't taken pictures in a week and it's kinda sad. Hopefully we will get one soon.

*pretend there is a picture here of our broken camera*

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I love thrift stores!

So today I feel inspired by others to go find the "gems" in the rough..thrift stores here I come.
I limited myself to $20.00(tight budget) and set off to find some cute things. I found a fun dress, a lovely yellow bowl, some fun sheets (that will be transformed into a journal cover and small satchel) and some funky handbags(one houndstooth, a red satchel and a small clutch purse that is pink and orange) All that fun stuff for $ I went over buget, but it was a fun day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just breathe...

" see prayer as a connection, as a way of living and breathing, a way of being connected to and communing with the Creator."

Most of the time I forget to breathe... I need constant reminding to breathe and breathe deeply...

Monday, September 17, 2007

just a plain good ol' day...

had a great day, no kid problems, no pain from kidney stones, honey being the husband ever... just feeling plain good today....

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ode to Vinny

After a longgggggg, hard day defending myself from biting, mauling children....I come home to this.......He makes me laugh...*he*he*

Doby the house elf...(Harry Potter fans will understand)
I love him!!

Anyone who knows him, can laugh because he backs up where ever he goes. He's a strange dog!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

much cooler now...

Thanks to Reganne @ Mo Jo Pies, I now have short hair. Much cooler now in this scorching heat wave of the midwest! My locks will be sent with love to Locks of Love and hopefully my hair can adorn a new head. I encourage all those who can and will to grow out thier hair and donate it, it is a simple gift of love that costs nothing, but the postage to send it. Think about it....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

27...can you belive it?? I can't!

I am 27 already...boy has the time flown by. Why it was just yesterday I was making mud pies in the backyard. Ahh, the easier days of gone bye....I don't think that I have fully grown up.

Oh yeah, my husband is the best! He bought me some cd's, a new porch door and installed it and best of all a wonderful pedicure. It included a massing footbath, foot scrub and wash, lotion massaged and toes painted....I love him!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

abe lincoln shaved....

It had been 1 year since this handsome husband had shaved his beard. It was long and scraggly, people called him abe lincoln, amish, meninite, islamic and a terroist, but he was neither of those..just a cute hubby with a mission to grow a long beard........but the long beard had to go, it had been 1 year and he shaved it short...he was not happy that he did it and wouldn't let me take pictures(i snuck this one).
I love him no matter what size beard.....xoxo

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

new pretties for school

lookie, lookie I got new shoes for school. Even teachers get to get new clothes for the new school year. I love that flat, comfortable, cutes are in. Teachers are sometimes frumpy and drab and i don't want to be like that, I want to be the cute, upbeat these new shoes make me feel peppy.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

kids don't judge...adults think otherwise

Perfect example of how kids don't judge the bearded wonder.....

Adam and I were talking about this the other day....about how kids al love him, but adults think otherwise when they see a dark haired, tanned skin, bearded man talking or playing with kids. The other day in the store Adam was waiting for me and these two boys starting talking to Adam about the Old Navy doy and how it talks. The parents on the otherhand just gave Adam a weird look and moved their kids along. This has happened more than once it just a "man' phobia or a beard man sterotype or does Adam look creepy to them? what is it?? Adam has a heart of gold, but people don't give him a chance, it's sad. He is so wonderful with children and they sense his kindness, but adults don't. Our society has ruined any chance of pure hearted men just talking with kids without someone thinking " oh he's a molester" Sad, sad, sad :(

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

no, not yet...i still need more time..........

28 more days, kids come back and back to the grind. well today is my offical first day of summer, that's right 2/3 into summer and it finally begins. no more teaching summer school, no more professional development, just days at home tidying up and getting things ready for school. who ever thinks that teachers get 3 months off in the summer is out of their sweet, blessed minds! a teachers job is never finished, it goes all year long, 60-80 work wks and the kids are always some where in the back of your mind " what can i do to help my kids??" anyways...please don't make me go back right 12 days, but not tonight ;)

Monday, July 23, 2007

FYI- these two don't go together!

I thought it would never happen to me, but it did...the toilet ate my phone and I had to fish it out (yuck!) Well I have been without a phone for four days and I feel as if a part of my body is missing. Isn't that sad, remember the time without cell phones- could we survive now?? Well, be safe and make sure that your phone doesn't fall victim to John!

Friday, July 6, 2007

seeing double....

Fourth of July fun was had by all, the kids ran and played on the home made slip and slide(so hillbilly) and then did they watch the fireworks???! they were too involved with the puppies. We all had loads of fun throughout the holiday!

sometimes we had to resort to caging them :)
anabell....get in the kennel! Look she's a good girl, she needs a treat!

the world could have been exploding with fireworks, but they didn't care they just loved the puppies.

Fireworks in the background, but she's lookin' for the puppies!

Giddy up Vinny!!

Not everyone can be happy all the time

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

summer lovin'

FL time was spent at the beach lounging( besides the hospital visit for kidney stones..again..) We enjoyed St. Andrews island, skim boarding and Pineapple Willy's. Not enough time for vacation, but thankful for what we got this year. Back to the grind......

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I am sucessful!

So I have always killed anything that I grow, but finally I have been sucessful and plan on eating these tomatoes anyday now. Yeah, i didn't kill it. actually I have been pretty sucessful on the garden/flowers that are growing in the flower bed in the front of the house(only 1 casuality). Maybe I don't have a black thumb afterall :)

Monday, June 11, 2007


Finally the time has is out! Well at least for the kiddos. I on the other hand still have a week long of professional development, Grad class and teaching summer school, BUT I am looking forward to 3 days in PCBeach, FL. I hope that others are enjoying summer sun too!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

KC "family" time

This last weekend Adam and I went to KC to visit the Moores. It was fun to see the kid bond so quickly with Adam, we were afraid that he would forget, but within five minutes of being there they were buds. It was a relaxing time spent with friends, that are "family" close. We had kid free Friday and spent it eating, shopping and recliner browsing. Saturday we went to the spraygrounds and watched as the kid ran around( I of course joined in, it's no fun to play by yourself). Take a glimpse of the time we had.....
All around boy!!!
fun at the spraygrounds

does he have to pee or was he cold???

stopped to listen

Truck buddies already

Wow! That's some fancy driving! Buds! Where else do you put your finger when posing for pictures? The Moores

Monday, May 28, 2007

**pure wisdom & sacrafice**

On this Memorial Day, I think of the great wisdom they have and sacrafices they have made. Thanks G-pa for fighting for our freedom and thanks G-ma for being his rock!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

My Favorite Things..

My Favorite Things...

1. Pop Rocks
2. A new box of crayons
3. Pit Bulls

4. Black & White photos
5. Thrift Stores
6. Summer Break

7. Pineapple
8. Crusin' w/the hubby
9. Vans slip-ons

10. Irish cream Mochas

(inspired by Rachel & Elsie, who both inspire me)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


dad got a new big truck with shiny wheels......

who does he look most like????

ernesto..see we have diversity in our family

weekend spent with the in-laws. Happy times with mom, dad and little dog ernie.

Monday, May 14, 2007

in need of less stress

It's Monday morning and things are looking good at school until..........a boy proceeds to diarreah in the chair and continue to work without stopping. Oh glory, the day starts off with a bang--- literally :) The day only goes down hill from there, but I keep reminding myself, "4 more weeks, only 4 more weeks." A teacher's life is never normal, there are suprises everyday almost hourly.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

evening stroll

Evening strolls with the honey. After a long, long day at work, a stroll with my honey is the way to ease the stress and calm my body. I love to walk hand in hand with him, it's the simple things about a walk that is so relaxing.
Can you tell that he is tired of being my muse, but I can't help it if he is picture worthy.

Friday, May 4, 2007

who's counting??

Only 21 1/2 more days of school with kids in the classroom. YEAH!! I am not counting down or anything :)

remember being excited about riding the bus for a field trip? Well now it more like " oh wonderful a trip on the stinky bus with 30 kids" I love my kids, but can't they do something about the year old puke smell on the bus? *Gotta love public school buses*