Saturday, September 29, 2007

I love thrift stores!

So today I feel inspired by others to go find the "gems" in the rough..thrift stores here I come.
I limited myself to $20.00(tight budget) and set off to find some cute things. I found a fun dress, a lovely yellow bowl, some fun sheets (that will be transformed into a journal cover and small satchel) and some funky handbags(one houndstooth, a red satchel and a small clutch purse that is pink and orange) All that fun stuff for $ I went over buget, but it was a fun day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just breathe...

" see prayer as a connection, as a way of living and breathing, a way of being connected to and communing with the Creator."

Most of the time I forget to breathe... I need constant reminding to breathe and breathe deeply...

Monday, September 17, 2007

just a plain good ol' day...

had a great day, no kid problems, no pain from kidney stones, honey being the husband ever... just feeling plain good today....

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ode to Vinny

After a longgggggg, hard day defending myself from biting, mauling children....I come home to this.......He makes me laugh...*he*he*

Doby the house elf...(Harry Potter fans will understand)
I love him!!

Anyone who knows him, can laugh because he backs up where ever he goes. He's a strange dog!